

One of the most common concerns that we see at the Institute of Cosmetic in Toronto, Ontario is pigmentation and melasma (brown spots on the skin). Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan is a topical de–pigmentation procedure that is extremely versatile and adapts well to any skin type. Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan softens or eliminates mild to severe pigmentation, while helping to reveal the luminosity and tone of the skin. Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan is based on the inhibition of tyrosinase, a basic enzyme in the melanin formation process (how excessive brown develops). Several of the substances present in the Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan formulation work by blocking this enzyme, or even by inverting the metabolic process of the transformation chain.

A chemical peel is applied to the face prior to the application of the Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan mask. Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan is a thick “mask–like” substance that is applied to the full face. It is left on for 8–12 hours and can be washed off at home. Clints can expect mild to significant peeling at around day 2–5 and can continue for up to a week. Two weeks later the mask will be re–applied to any remaining spots. Overall, patients can expect a significant reduction in areas of hyperpigmentation / melasma. An at–home maintenance cream is given to clients and is to be used on a daily basis post–treatment.

To find out if Derm–Eclat™/Dermamelan is right for you, please contact us for your consultation.We will be able to provide you with all of the information you need to make the most informed decision.